
  1. ホーム
  2. Surgery for Hyperparathyroidism

Surgery for Hyperparathyroidism

Surgery for Hyperparathyroidism

【こちらは副甲状腺機能亢進症の外科 の 英語版となります】


判型 A4変型
頁数 116
発行 2017年3月

ISBN 978-4-88563-277-8



       Foreword 1 by Hiroshi Takagi
       Foreword 2 by Henry Johansson
       Intoroduction―Surgery for hyperparathyroidism focusing on SHPT by Yoshihiro Tominaga
       Author's profile

Chapter 1. History of parathyroid gland
Chapter 2. Embryology and anatomy of parathyroid gland
       2.1. Embryology
       2.2. Anatomy
Chapter 3. Pathology of parathyroid gland
       3.1. Normal structure of parathyroid gland
       3.2. Hyperplasia in primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT)
       3.3. Hyperplasia in secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT)
       3.4. Parathyroid adenoma
       3.5. Parathyroid carcinoma
Chapter 4. Definition of hyperparathyroidism
Chapter 5. Pathophysiology
       5.1. Calcium homeostasis
       5.2. Phosphate homeostasis
       5.3. Pathophysiology of SHPT
Chapter 6. Parathyroid cell proliferation and tumorigenesis in SHPT
Chapter 7. Epidemiology and background of SHPT
       7.1. Epidemiology
       7.2. Frequency of PTx for SHPT
Chapter 8. Clinical manifestations of SHPT
       8.1. Symptoms
       8.2. Manifestations of renal osteodystrophy (ROD)
       8.3. Ectopic calcification
       8.4. Laboratory findings
Chapter 9. Preoperative image diagnosis
Chapter 10. Treatment for SHPT
        10.1. Medical treatment
        10.2. Intervention therapy
        10.3. Surgical indications
        10.4. Surgical management
        10.5. Preoperative management
        10.6. Our surgical procedure
        10.7. An algorithm to identify parathyroid glands
        10.8. Surgical topics
           10.8.1. Intraoperative monitoring of PTH levels (IOPTH monitoring)
           10.8.2. Intraoperative neural monitoring (IONM)
Chapter 11. Postoperative management
Chapter 12. Outcomes of PTx for SHPT
        12.1. Number of parathyroid glands and total glandular weight
        12.2. Clinical improvement after PTx
        12.3. Function of parathyroid autografts
        12.4. Thyroid lesions in SHPT
Chapter 13. Persistent and recurrent SHPT
        13.1. Definition
        13.2. Graft-dependent recurrent SHPT
        13.3. Persistent SHPT and detection of missed parathyroid glands
        13.4. Ectopic and supernumerary parathyroid glands
           13.4.1. Thymic tongue
           13.4.2. Mediastinal parathyroid glands
           13.4.3. Undescended parathyroid glands
           13.4.4. Intrathyroidal parathyroid glands
           13.4.5. Parathyroid glands around Berry's ligament
        13.5. Parathyromatosis
        13.6. Parathyroid carcinoma in SHPT
        13.7. Spontaneous remission of hyperparathyroidism
Chapter 14. Tertiary hyperparathyroidism (THPT)
        14.1. Pathophysiology of THPT
        14.2. Surgical indications and timing of PTx
        14.3. PTx for THPT
        14.4. Benefits of PTx for THPT
Chapter 15. Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT)
        15.1. Prevalence and classification
        15.2. Clinical diagnosis
        15.3. Surgical indication
        15.4. PTx for PHPT
        15.5. Our operative procedure for PHPT
        15.6. Selection of operative procedure
           15.6.1. Parathyroid carcinoma
           15.6.2. Double adenomas
           15.6.3. Non-familial parathyroid hyperplasia
           15.6.4. MEN types 1 and 2A
        15.7. Clinical advantages of PTx
        15.8. Medical treatment for PHPT
Chapter 16. Surgical treatment of hyperparathyroidism in the future

       Our published papers concerning with parathyroid gland